Revised ST 3 -Service Tax

è The ST- 3 return filing which was due by 25-10-2012 for the period “01-04-2012 to 30-06-2012”, but data has been provided for the period 01st April 2012 to 30th June 2012 (one quarter only) as per CBEC instruction vide letter F.No.137/22/2012 dated 28th September 2012.

è Data for the remaining portion of the half year ( i.e 1-7-2012 to 30-9-2012 ) was supposed to be filed later when the revised Form ST-3 would be notified which can now be furnished in the revised Form ST3, which has been notified vide notification 1/2013 –Service Tax dated 22- 2-2013.

è Last date for filing the return for the remaining period has been amended & extended accordingly up to 25th March 2013 thus ST-3 In revised Format can be filed by 25th March 2013

 As it is known & familiar fact that ST -3 has to be filed electronically and no Return can be filed in paper mode. However ST-3 in electronic version is not available at  right now but it is expected to be available on ACES by the first week of March as per office order of department vide letter No. F. No. 137/98/2006-CX-4 (Part-I) dt 22-02-2013

Declaration to Bank for opening Bank Account in the name of HUF HINDU Undivided Family

If you have created HUF and want open Bank Account with Bank ,Bank may ask Declaration to submit .below is given a format for that :_