Input Tax Credit provisions in brief- Andhra Pradesh Assam

State ANDHRA  PRADESH    {Sec.13,22,38 / Rule 16,20} ASSAM  {Sec.11,14,15 / Rule 9,11,12}

Full VAT Input Tax Credits - Eligibility / admissibility & purposes specified
On ALL VAT-paid goods at point of purchase on receipt of Tax invoice during Tax period, if such goods are for use in business;                                 E.T. paid eligible for adjustment against output VAT. On VAT-paid purchases in Tax period following after receipt of Tax invoice; for Sale/resale of taxable goods in/from Assam; for Capital goods for manufacture of taxable goods; Use in manufacture/packing of taxable goods for sale 
Conditions / Restrictions ITC can be adjusted against Output VAT or CST; Excess ITC for any Tax period may be claimed in next Tax Return, with adjustments if any until March on Form 'VAT-200-B'.         Input tax rebate can be adjusted against Output VAT;                                                       Excess ITC carried over to next Tax periods.                                                           ITC on Capital goods (other than second hand) available from commencement of commercial production - to be adjusted against Output tax over a period of 3 years. 
Reduction in Set-offs / Reversal of Input Tx credit Reduction of 4% of net Purchase price (i.e. set-off available in excess over 4%) in case of Branch Transfers outside A.P.                                                                         In case of works contract -> ITC limited to 75%.   Reduction of amount equivalent to CST that would have been leviable; in case of Branch Transfers outside Assam of goods purchased or of finished goods out of raw materials purchased (disposals otherwise than by way of sale). 
Non-admissibility No ITC allowed on Petrol, Motor spirits, Diesel Oils; on transfer of business; fuels for captive power generation/power plants; input used in Factory/Office  const., generators used for captive generation; works contracts under composition.   No set-off allowed on (i) Capital or other expenditure on land, civil structure or construction; (ii) Capital goods purchased for use in generation of energy/power including captive power (iii) Vehicles, Office equipments, furniture, electrical fixtures; (iv) Composition Tax is paid (v) goods lost/damaged and not eventually sold; (vi) goods lying unsold at time of closure 

Declaration to Bank for opening Bank Account in the name of HUF HINDU Undivided Family

If you have created HUF and want open Bank Account with Bank ,Bank may ask Declaration to submit .below is given a format for that :_