Can Gst arrears be paid in instalments?

The petitioners prayed before the Hon'ble Gujarat High Court that due to financial difficulties, they requested the department to allow them to pay the arrears in instalments.

However, the authorities rejected the claim and passed an order without assigning reasons. The counsel appeared for the petitioners submitted that the departmental circular permits the authority in the exercise of its discretion to grant suitable instalments when financial hardship is made out.

Hon'ble Court allowed petitioner to pay  amount in installments and extended stay against coercive recoveries of the dues.

M/s Indus Projects Ltd. - R/Special Leave application no. 14638 of 2018

Declaration to Bank for opening Bank Account in the name of HUF HINDU Undivided Family

If you have created HUF and want open Bank Account with Bank ,Bank may ask Declaration to submit .below is given a format for that :_