How to download your E-PAN card

Download E-PAN Card

How can I get my PAN card if I lost or misplaced it, How can I see my PAN card online? Can PAN card be downloaded? Or can I download my Pan card if I have PAN number but not card? These are frequently asked questions or we can say these are the problems faced by the many tax payers about the PAN, Income Tax department has now provided the facility to download your PAN or get it reprinted. Just go through the procedure explained below and get your PAN card in your hand.

How can I Download my PAN card? Is there any facility to get E-PAN card?

Yes, now you can download your pan card.

For PAN allotted or change, update confirmed  within last 30 days you can download your PAN card through link:-

For PAN allotted older than 30 days you can download your PAN card through link:-  

Is there any fee payable for downloading e-PAN card?

There is no downloading Fee for the PAN allotted within 30 Days however a nominal charges of Rs.8.26/-for the PAN Older then 30 days.  

What is procedure to download E-PAN Card?

 For PAN allotted/change confirmed within 30 days, you will be asked to provide acknowledgement number generated at the time of application submitted.

If Pan Allotted within 30 days

For PAN allotted older than 30 days, you are compulsorily required to give Your PAN number, Date of Birth/date of incorporation, and Adhar Number (only for Individual).

After filling up all requisite information, tick the consent box and write the verification CAPTCHA & submit.

PAN Allotted beyond 30 days

You will get ADHAR base OTP to confirm your information.

Your will be directed to pay fee, once OTP verification done.


Declaration to Bank for opening Bank Account in the name of HUF HINDU Undivided Family

If you have created HUF and want open Bank Account with Bank ,Bank may ask Declaration to submit .below is given a format for that :_