E-Payment of service Tax- Made Compulsory to every Assessee

From 01st April 2010, e-payment of service tax is mandatory for those assessee who had paid excise duty or service tax of Rs. 10 lakhs or more in the preceding financial year, whether
by cash or debit in Cenvat credit account or both [vide circular No. 919/09/2010-CX dated-23.03.2010]. But now Rule 6(2) of the Service Tax Rules, 1994 will be amended with effect from 1-10-2014.

From 01st October 2014, every assessee shall electronically pay the service tax payable by him, through internet banking

The Assistant/Deputy Commissioner of Central Excise having jurisdiction, may allow the assessee to deposit the service tax by any mode other than internet banking but it shall be done by the AC/DC for reason in writing.
It means now due date of payment would be 6th of the next month except in few cases where AC/DC will allow payment other than internet banking
NOTIFICATION NO. 9/2014-ST, DATED 11-7-2014] [Effective from 1-10-2014]

Declaration to Bank for opening Bank Account in the name of HUF HINDU Undivided Family

If you have created HUF and want open Bank Account with Bank ,Bank may ask Declaration to submit .below is given a format for that :_