Enhancement of taxable value in works contract

Presently works contract for valuation purpose are categorized under three categories:-

(i) original work 
(ii) works contract relating to movable properties and 
(iii) other contracts

Service tax on the service portion involved in the execution of the works contract is presently determined in the following manner:-

1. In the case of original works:- 40% of the value of total amount charged.

2. In the case of the works contract relating to movable properties the value of the service portion in the execution of the works contract :- 70% of the value of the total amount charged.

3. In the case of other works contract other than those covered under the above (1) and (2) including the maintenance, repair, completion and finishing services of immovable properties, :- 60% of the total amount charged.

But Rule 2A of the Service Tax (Determination of Value) Rules, 2006 relating to valuation of works contract services will stand amended with effect from 1-10-2014 and  after amendment, the item (ii) and (iii) will get combined and service tax would be payable on 70% of the total amount charged.
It means that category three (residual contracts) will be taxable on 70% of the value of total amount charged.
Ref:-  [Notification No. 11/2014-ST, dated 11-7-2014] [Effective : 1-10-2014]

Declaration to Bank for opening Bank Account in the name of HUF HINDU Undivided Family

If you have created HUF and want open Bank Account with Bank ,Bank may ask Declaration to submit .below is given a format for that :_